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- Apst. David & Pst. Asunta Juma
Home > Apostolic Leaders > Apostle David Juma
Apostle David Juma came to know the Lord at the age of nine and has been actively preaching the gospel since 1983. David has an infectious passion for the gospel and those who are close to him admire his leadership. He is the apostolic leader and spiritual father to many sons and daughters in the ministry. Dr. David is an Ordained Apostle and the Senior Minister of Life Church International, an apostolic church and growing congregation in Nairobi, Kenya, and having branches across the Country and internationally. He also leads Gospel Light Ministries, a gospel agency involved in evangelism, leadership training, children feeding and educational programs in the slums and outreaches to schools, colleges and universities.
He is the Team Leader of the Alliance of Apostolic Churches and Ministries (AACM) an umbrella body and a relational network of senior ministers and Apostolic Churches in Kenya. Gospel Light College is another strategic apostolic school for training Christ-like ministers for a Christ-like Church. Apostle David Juma is also the founder of Elevate Television, a media ministry advancing kingdom lifestyle. You can watch live or learn more about Elevate TV (www.elevatetv.co.ke).
He is a Executive Council Member of Kenya Council of Church Alliances and Ministries (KCCAM), an oversight body for evangelical, Pentecostal, Charismatic & apostolic formations in Kenya. He is also the National Convener for the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (ICAL) in Kenya. Through these ministries, Apostle David travels internationally into Africa, Europe, America, Asia, Australia, Middle East, South America and his drive is to see apostolic ministries and churches activated into winning the world for Jesus through various strategies.
Of great not is seeing the fulfillment of Acts 10:36 “The word which God sent to the children of Israel, preaching peace through Jesus Christ—He is Lord of all,”
He provides apostolic covering to several leaders and churches locally and internationally. Dr. David Juma has a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology and Ministry, and an Honorary Doctorate from Canon Bible College and Seminary, USA. He is married for 30 years to Pastor Asunta Juma and both have two daughters.
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