Life Church International HQ
- Apostolic House
- 254729666688
- www.lifechurchkenya.org
- Apst. David & Pst. Asunta Juma
Life Church International is led by Apostle David Juma ( Apostolic Leader) who also works with his wife Pastor Asunta Juma as the Senior Ministers, plus a team of other Pastors. Then, each congregation has a Local Church Leadership Team (LCLT), which for forms the governance team for the local church and it comprises of mature men and women, who qualify according to 1 Tim. 3:1-7.
These ministers, who are proven, tested relationally and otherwise, who can cope with ministry pressure regardless, who manifest true sonship in ministry, have an anointing and show godly character. We also have a team of Associate Ministers, who serve in various ways to aid the Pastoral team in the work of the ministry.
We also have a team of Deacons, those faithful stewards ready to serve the local church needs in all ways (1 Tim. 3: 8-13). Then, we have various departmental/Ministry teams to serve the local church vision.
These teams need to flow with the other key areas of our vision namely, Evangelism, Discipleship, Praise and Worship/Choir, Prayer & Intercession, Ushers/Protocol, Catering team, Mercy Ministries, Media /Technical Teams, Children/Teens Ministries, Youth/Women/Men ministries, etc., as the needs arise.
Apostlic Leader
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